Leaving again...

We'll be in Jamaica in about 24 hours... ready to serve! Stay tuned for photos and updates upon our return!

Specific prayer requests:
* Safe travel
* Team bonding/unity (we will be working with another, larger team there in Jamaica on construction and VBS for the kids)
* Right attitudes
* That our service may be productive
* Health
* No mishaps with money (fraud, theft, etc.)!

T minus 6 days, and counting!


* Our Whitworth mission team leaves on Saturday!
* Our team has put on two fundraisers here on Whitworth campus: candle/soap sales and a root beer pong tournament with root beer floats!
* To date, I have received/fundraised $1,320 of the $1,500 that is necessary to pay for the trip.

Thank you to all for donations and support of this mission trip endeavor! Please continue to pray for safety, guidance in the process of packing and planning, and traveling, as well as for the last portion of funds to come in.

This week will be a very busy one, with tests, papers, midterms, and lots of things to check off of the good old to do list before heading off on our spring break trip! Another update will come before we depart, hopefully. I post another update about how it all goes upon my return, as I'm unsure as to whether we will have emailing capabilities during our week in Jamaica. For now, here is the itinerary/time line for flights, for those of you who are praying for safe travel and/or meeting me at the airport upon my return... Rosie :)

FLIGHT 1: Leave: SPOKANE, 6:30PM, Arrive: SEATTLE, 7:40PM
(ELAPSED TIME- 1:10 in flight)

FLIGHT 2:Leave: SEATTLE, 10:20 PM, Arrive: CHARLOTTE 6:04AM Sun. Mar. 21
(ELAPSED TIME- 4:44 in flight)

FLIGHT 3: Leave: CHARLOTTE, 8:00 AM, Arrive: MONTEGO BAY, 9:58AM Sun. Mar. 21
(ELAPSED TIME- 2:58 in flight)

FLIGHT 1: Leave: MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA, 11:25AM (local time), Arrive: PHOENIX, AZ, 3:21PM (local time)
(ELAPSED TIME- 5:56 in flight)

FLIGHT 2: Leave: PHOENIX, AZ, 8:05PM (local time), Arrive: SPOKANE, WA, 10:56PM
(ELAPSED TIME- 2:51 in flight)