Jamaica Support Letter

January 1, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,

This coming Spring Break, March 20-27, I will join with a group of other students from Whitworth University that will be making its second annual service trip to Jamaica. This trip to Montego Bay will consist of serving at the Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf (ages 5-14), as well as the Blossom Garden Orphanage (up to age 8). At the school we will be assisting in the construction of a vocational building where the students will learn hands-on skills to help them get jobs when they finish schooling there.

Last year the team volunteered efforts to lay the foundation for this structure and will continue its work on the building this year. Children learn hands-on skills through the construction process, and eventually through the vocational programs that will be taught there. These skills equip them with the ability to be successful on their own. We will spend time with the children on their breaks, as well as during a 2-hour daily Vacation Bible School program we will lead for them.

The team will serve the orphanage in nurturing and loving the children. For the 60 children at Blossom Garden there are only five women at any given time caring for them. They desperately need help changing diapers, bathing, and simply holding babies, and the older children ache for people to play with.

This endeavor calls for a $2,000 budget per person, which includes airfare, housing, food, supplies for the Vacation Bible School, and for Mission Discovery, which is the umbrella ministry that organizes our service trip. Our team strives to accomplish our goal through fundraising projects as well as support from family, friends, and church members. If you are willing and able to contribute to my funds for the trip, or have suggestions to help us raise support, please respond to this letter using the return envelope provided. Please keep the Jamaica team in your thoughts and prayers as we prepare for this trip, as well as for safety in travel when we depart, come Spring Break.

For questions or further details, please contact me at:llichten10@my.whitworth.edu. Through the end of January, I will be studying abroad and traveling in the country of South Africa, so I appreciate your prayers during my time of travel, learning, and discovery. If you would like more information or to follow me while I am in Africa, my blogsite address is http://lara-in-sa.blogspot.com. I am hoping to get the chance to send out quick updates while I am abroad, but cannot foresee definite times when I will have Internet use, so updates may be irregular or scarce.

Thank you for your time and interest! Happy New Year, blessings, and may God keep you safe in 2010 and the new decade! In the love of Christ, Lara Lichten

Please print and detach the following section to return to me via postal mail. Contact me via email to receive mailing address. Thank you!


____ Please include me on mailing updates concerning the trip at the following email or postal address:


____ I will support this mission with enclosed donation (please make checks out to Lara Lichten)

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